The United States budget is a sadistic masterpiece—a glittering monument to greed and lunacy. It’s the kind of cruel joke only a sick, twisted mind could conceive. Picture this: a room full of leering millionaires lighting cigars with hundred-dollar bills while Congress parades out a budget so shamelessly corrupt that even Machiavelli would blush. They rob the poor, kick the middle class in the teeth, and hand the spoils to billionaires who already have more money than they could burn in a thousand lifetimes. And they call it patriotism.
If you think you’re paying too much in taxes, it’s because you are. But it’s not just because you’re paying your share—it’s because you’re paying their share, too. That’s the con. That’s the scam. The tax code is a tangled web of loopholes and tricks designed by people who own islands to ensure they never have to pay a penny. They’ve turned taxation into a reverse Robin Hood: steal from the poor, give to the rich, and call it “fiscal responsibility.” And just when you think they can’t possibly squeeze you any harder, they find a way. Oh, they always find a way.
Meanwhile, the middle class gets saddled with the bill. The ones who drag themselves out of bed every morning to go to jobs they hate so they can pay for houses they’ll never own and schools that don’t teach their kids anything useful. They’re the backbone of the economy, but they get kicked like a crippled mule, year after year. And what do they get in return? Crumbling infrastructure, schools that are glorified babysitters, and a healthcare system that’s just one big cash register. It’s not a budget; it’s a ransom note.
And the rich? Oh, they’re laughing their asses off. They’ve convinced half the country that they’re the victims—that somehow the billionaires are the ones being oppressed. They have their own propaganda network, their own political puppets, and their own version of reality where taxes are theft, and billionaires are job creators. Job creators! Yeah, they create jobs all right—low-wage, soul-crushing, no-benefit gigs that barely pay enough to keep you alive. And then they have the balls to call you lazy.
I’m gonna make zero money this year and still pay more in taxes than most billionaires. Think about that. I’ll pay more for the privilege of being broke than they will for the privilege of being disgustingly wealthy. But they’ll tell you they deserve it because they’re smarter, because they work harder, because they’re the “makers” and we’re the “takers.” What a load of horseshit. They’re not makers. They’re thieves. And they stole the system right out from under us.
They say they’re being taxed to death. Yeah, sure. Like a mosquito is drained by a thimble of blood. They own everything—mansions, yachts, private islands, politicians—but they can’t bear to pay a nickel for roads or schools or hospitals. They want it all for free, and they’ve got just enough money and power to make sure they get it. It’s welfare for the rich, austerity for the poor, and a giant middle finger to everyone in between.
And don’t fall for that line about trickle-down economics. It doesn’t trickle down. It never has. It’s a myth—a fairy tale they tell you so you won’t notice they’re hoarding everything. They don’t trickle anything. They take and take and take until there’s nothing left, and then they blame you for not working hard enough.
But here’s the kicker: they’ve got us fighting each other. They’ve got the middle class blaming the poor, the poor blaming immigrants, and everyone blaming the government while they sit back and watch the show. They’ve turned politics into a blood sport where the only winners are the ones who already won. They’ve divided us, distracted us, and convinced us that our real enemies are our neighbors, our co-workers, and anyone who doesn’t look or sound like us. It’s the oldest trick in the book—divide and conquer. And they’re damn good at it.
This isn’t just class warfare. It’s a massacre. And we’re not just losing; we’ve already lost. The American Dream is dead, the middle class is on life support, and the poor are being ground into dust. And the people in charge couldn’t care less. They’ve got theirs, and they’re not about to share.
So what’s the solution? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s time for pitchforks and torches. Maybe it’s time to tear it all down and start over. Or maybe we’ll just keep taking it, year after year, election after election, until there’s nothing left. But don’t fool yourself into thinking they’ll change out of the goodness of their hearts. They don’t have hearts. They have bank accounts. And as long as those numbers keep going up, nothing’s gonna change.
Welcome to America, where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class foots the bill. But hey, at least you’ve got Netflix. Enjoy the show.
- The Editor